4 Payroll Tax Tips For New Restaurant Owners

If you are in the process of opening up your first restaurant on your own, you need to think about more than just the food; you also need to think about the technical side of running your business. In order to run an effective restaurant, you need employees, which means you need to understand how to set up your payroll. Here are a few tips to get you started. Make A Budget [Read More]

Learn How To Choose Workers For The Children's Church At Your Church

Opening a new church can be exciting and difficult at the same time. If you plan to have a children's church at the church, you need to be sure that you take the time to staff the children's section with the proper workers. The following guide walks you through a few things to consider when choosing who will be working with the children in the children's church. Require a Background Check [Read More]

Sending Junior Off To College? Here's How It Affects Your Taxes

Is your child heading off to college this year? Along with the myriad of changes and adjustments both parent and child will have to make in this adventurous new time, there are some financial considerations to be made. One of them is how your child leaving home affects your taxes. Here is a handy guide to the three main tax implications you and your young adult face.  Claiming the Dependency [Read More]

Three Reasons Not To Do Your Taxes On Your Own

From software programs to Internet-based programs, there are a number of outlets that make doing your taxes on your own convenient. Unfortunately, convenient doesn't always mean efficient. This is especially the case when it comes to getting your maximum refund or number of deductions you deserve. Before you rush to use one of these do-it-yourself programs for your taxes, make sure you know just what is at risk. You're On Your Own [Read More]